Live Beyond the Binary.

Haley / TVA

About Us

Twin Veiled Artificer was founded by me, Haley!  (she/her/they)

 - I am a nerd. Whether it be through gaming, dungeons and dragons, reading, anime, music, art, science, etc. This is what fuels me and brings me joy.

- I was born/raised in a small town in Wisconsin where I met my spouse Daniel. I have a degree in Sociology, and he is currently in graduate school for a PhD Immunology/Virology, which is what brought us to Saint Louis, MO..

- Ever since I was little I watched my older sisters play Super Nintendo/N64 and always looked up to them, until I was old enough to join. Playing pretend, drawing, music and how they all melded and evolved over time, have allowed me to appreciate the never ending variety of ways to express creativity, no matter your identity.

-I am someone who believes in everyone being multifaceted, and allowed to express the variety of interests and style day to day. Want to wear all black one day, neutrals or pink the next? Maybe a very masc look now, but feeling more femme later? No one has to be boxed in to one style, and I certainly love to play with color and texture.

-We shoud be allowed to the that with our fashion and projects too. Always.